Join US

We would like for as many IT professionals and companies from Debrecen, as well as students and instructors, to join the association, and together, we would work on achieving our goals. There are several ways to 'join' this:


  • Join our social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Discord) and actively participate with your thoughts in our activities.
  • Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed about the results and upcoming steps.
  • Fill out the individual membership declaration (link) and join the HTE Debrecen Group Association.
  • Fill out the corporate membership declaration (link) and join the HTE Debrecen Group Association."


What are the benefits of membership? / Why should you join?

With the support of national professional organizations, this is organized by the people of Debrecen, based on the needs of Debrecen, for the people of Debrecen.

If you are an IT professional, student, instructor, or someone who wants to be part of a local professional community and/or contribute to building the IT community in Debrecen, then this is the place for you! You can join the HTE Association's Debrecen group as an individual or a company by submitting the completed membership declaration (link) and activating your membership by paying the annual membership fee.

As a member, you can directly participate in the activities of working groups, have a direct impact on the organizers' work, focus areas, planning, organization, surveys, and events.

There will be events organized specifically for members, primarily for networking and discussing 'what's next' questions.